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  • Design & Technology | St Bernadette's Cath

    Design & Technology D&T Policy D&T Key Figures D&T Overview D&T Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer

  • Vocations | St Bernadette's Cath

    Vocations Welcome from Fr Fretch Ballesteros I was born in the Phillipines in 1989 and was raised by my mother and Father with my brothers and sisters. At the age of 16 I joined the seminary after deciding I wanted to become a priest. Later I travelled to the UK and completed my theological studies at St Mary’s College Oscott. I was ordained a deacon on 29th September 2016 and was ordained a priest at Corpus Christi Church in Stechford. In January 2023 I became the Parish Priest of Holy Family Church in Small Heath and work closely with the two schools in the parish, Holy Family School and St Bernadette’s. As a Vocationist Father, I live in a community and took the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Our Founder was Father Justin Russolillo. On 20th September 1913, Justin was ordained a Priest. While kneeling before the Bishop for the ordination, he vowed to the Lord to found a religious Congregation to cultivate vocations to faith, priesthood and holiness. ​ On 15th May 2022, Pope Francis canonised 10 new saints of the Catholic church during a Mass in St. Peter’s Square including Blessed Justin Russollilo. Sister Maura Halpin A Sister of Mercy When I joined the Sisters of Mercy in London 60 years ago I had no idea what ‘JOB’ I would be doing. I could have been working in the convent or parish, as a nurse or as a teacher because our Foundress, Venerable Catherine McAuley founded our Religious Order to give education, healthcare and support to the poorest families in Dublin in mid-19th Century. It was a shock to leave rural Ireland and find myself in a very busy city. ​ Becoming a teacher was my second Vocation as being a Sister came firs t. I taught in a number of secondary schools throughout my teaching years. I was called away from teaching 30 years ago to do pastoral work within our Religious Order. This ministry took me to some countries that I would otherwise never have visited as some of our Sisters were working abroad. Now that I am ‘retired’ I feel so grateful to God for all the Blessings I have experienced. I have learned so much from saintly Sisters who are no longer with us. They were women of prayer and were totally committed to the people among whom they worked. Teaching colleagues too have inspired me and now I have time to reflect on how much the Church and society owe to all who work in education. Nowadays prayer has a special place in my day. It always was important but when I was busy I was often distracted in my prayer, always planning ahead. Now I value Mass daily and in particular I listen more attentively to the Word of God, to hear what God is saying to me each day, how much He cares for me and all his people. I hope this makes me a more compassionate and attentive Sister of Mercy when I meet people. ​ I meet people in the local Care Homes and those who are housebound when I visit with Holy Communion because these people cannot come to Church. I am privileged to feel welcome when I visit our schools, especially St Bernadette’s & Holy Family where I join them at their Masses. I support them in their joys & sorrows with my prayer and occasionally do home visits if asked by the Head Teacher. ​ Another ministry that is very special to me is support for the bereaved both in giving a listening ear and in helping them plan the funeral Masses and Services for their loved ones. This ministry sometimes reconnects me with former pupils in their time of grieving. Perhaps I could sum up my life as a religious Sister in the words ‘availability’ and ‘prayer’ and I am grateful to all who have supported me in my vocation over the past 60 years. If you would like support I can be contacted on the following email address:

  • Remote Learning | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Home Learning School subscription services that are providing guidance and resources to support with school closures Seesaw - The main web site for all year groups to complete homework assignments. Accelerated Reader Students are able to access Accelerated Reader from home using their normal accounts. Spelling Shed Times Tables Rockstars Oxford Owl Maths and Science Topmarks Times Tables Rockstars A great bank of interactive games! Try ‘Hit the Button ’ for your times tables or ‘Daily 10 ’ BeeBot App Free App for computing Explorify For Science Number Blocks Prodigy Maths Free App for maths Science Fun at Home New content every Wednesday LET’S GO LIVE with Maddie and Greg 30-minute sessions with Maddie and Greg exploring the natural world. Streamed every day at 11am. Dr. Chips Join Dr Chips every day at 10am for a daily dose of science, engineering and technology. Solar System Scope Check out Solar System Scope to visit the Earth and other planets, see where stars are now and speed up time to see where they will be in a month. Mindfulness and Keeping Active Go Noodle Smiling Mind BBC Supermovers Newsround Premier League Stars YouTube (More videos on their own website) Hundreds of ‘brainercise’, dancing, strength and mindfulness videos—as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’. Short audio sessions to help with mindfulness. Interactive videos to support with KS1 and KS1 Maths, Literacy and PSHE and PE learning. Great for times tables—as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’. Keeping children up to date with the world around them— creating opportunities to talk about the news with children. Videos and activities to support with Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE. French KS2 French A compilation of short clips and memorable songs for beginners learning French. KS1 / KS2 French French Games Everton trio Morgan Schneiderlin, Kurt Zouma and Lucas Digne are on hand to help Ben Shires teach pupils all about French greetings Fun French games online for kids + adults to learn + practice beginner French vocabulary with audio Primary Languages This material has been developed to assist Primary teachers to develop and integrate an element of language teaching into their classroom.

  • RE Curriculum | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    RE Curriculum As a Catholic Primary School, the basic religious ethos is to be found across the whole curriculum and not just within the Religious Education timetable. The whole aim of St Bernadette’s school is the Christian growth of the children, not simply their growth in their faith, but their growing awareness of the world as a maturing Christian. RE is a core subject and covers 10% of the curriculum. The Religious Education programme incorporates the Curriculum Directory for Catholic Schools (Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales). RE Policy 22/23 RE Curriculum: About Us Below are the units of work covered this academic year in the RE curriculum for each Year Band. Nursery Knowledge.pdf Reception Knowledge.pdf Y1 Knowledge.pdf Y2 Knowledge.pdf Y5 Knowledge.pdf Y3 Knowledge.pdf Y6 Knowledge.pdf Y4 Knowledge.pdf RE Curriculum: Text As a Catholic school, the RE curriculum predominantly focuses on Christianity and Catholicism. However, during our annual International Week, each Year Band explores another World Religion. During this time, children have the opportunity to visit different places of worship. Reception – Christianity Year 1 – Hinduism Year 2 – Buddhism Year 3 – Catholicism Year 4 – Sikhism Year 5 – Judaism Year 6 – Islam RE Curriculum: Text Assessment of RE ​ The RE Curriculum covers four strands: Scripture, Sacraments, Liturgical and Living as Christians. Three different units are assessed annually in each year Band, with each academic year focusing on a different strand. in line with Diocesan guidelines. Samples of work are gathered throughout the year and moderated against the diocesan end of phase expectations. RE Curriculum: Our Mission

  • Safeguarding | St Bernadette's Cath

    Safeguarding Safeguarding Policy Designated Safeguarding Leads Miss A Cowings Head Teacher Mr A Carroll Deputy Head Teacher Miss E Finnegan Assistant Head Teacher Miss A Hulse SENCO If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person please contact school. Miss Cowings is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Carroll, Miss Finnegan & Miss Hulse are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. You can make a referral directly to Children's services by calling the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email;

  • School Council | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    This year the school councillors will be working alongside the rest of the school and staff to help achieve the ‘Live Simply’ Award. Our main aims over this next term are: To remind/ encourage children in their year to reduce their use of plastic water bottles in lunch boxes. Our KS2 children will write a blog for the newsletter/ website about the food prep sessions that our school cook will have with a group of parents/carers. All children to remind/ encourage children about uniform swap. School Council to help the support staff in their year band when the swap takes place. They will promote within the year band to gather uniform that is no longer needed/ old and unnamed. Promote through posters, Twitter and Newsletter. Digital down day – School Council will promote the day within their year bands and to write a blog/review about the day. They will interview other children about the day and benefits. This will be promoted through assemblies, posters, Twitter and Newsletter. This year the school councillors will be working alongside the rest of the school and staff to help achieve the ‘Live Simply’ Award. Our main aims over this next term are: To remind/ encourage children in their year to reduce their use of plastic water bottles in lunch boxes. Our KS2 children will write a blog for the newsletter/ website about the food prep sessions that our school cook will have with a group of parents/carers. All children to remind/ encourage children about uniform swap. School Council to help the support staff in their year band when the swap takes place. They will promote within the year band to gather uniform that is no longer needed/ old and unnamed. Promote through posters, Twitter and Newsletter. Digital down day – School Council will promote the day within their year bands and to write a blog/review about the day. They will interview other children about the day and benefits. This will be promoted through assemblies, posters, Twitter and Newsletter. Making a Difference St. Bernadette’s has a very active school council in which an elected member from each class in Key stage 2 meets fellow students in a discussion forum where views and ideas are shared. ​ The Election Process In order to become a school councillor the children had to present their election manifesto before their year band in assemblies. The children were then asked to voted for a chosen candidate from their class using a ballot process. Each of the children were given a voting slip which they had to exchange for a ballot paper. The children then had to go to the voting booth and select their candidate by placing an ‘X’ in the box. What is our Vision? To have a school which is dynamic, a school that not only listens, but acts upon the views of its pupils. To further promote and express the voice of the child, not just within our school but within the City of Birmingham and with schools around the World. We hope to extend and share our ideas through further communications with other schools across the globe. What is our Aim? To raise people’s awareness that children have valid ideas. To be a voice for the children in our school. To make our school an even more friendly and pleasant place in which to learn. To make suggestions as to how our school could be improved further. To further improve our school environment. To raise money for charities. School Council: HTML Embed Digital Down Day – Monday 20th March During Digital Down Day, we made pledges with our peers to think of ways to reduce how much energy and electricity we use both in school and at home. We spoke about the benefits of using less electricity and how we can begin by making small changes that will have a long-term benefit. Some of the pledges we thought of were: Remind our adults in class to turn any switches off that are not in use. Switch off from the plug socket, rather than putting devices on standby. Not to over rely on using the interactive white board and to only use when necessary. Sharing devices with peers if we are doing the same activity such as laptops. What can we do at home? Rather than using a tumble dryer, take advantage of the warmer weather. Allow more natural sunlight to come in to rooms. To go outdoors more, rather than always using consoles, phones, tablets etc. As a school we promise to help reduce our usage of electricity in order to live simply and to have a positive impact on our local environment and the world. Written by our School Councillors: Abrar, Jawad, Grace and Spencer World Earth Day 2023 – A day to remember A joint blog written by our School Councillors ​ On Friday 21st April 2023, we celebrated World Earth Day as a school and took part is some fascinating activities that have left us with much to ponder. We learnt about the harm that is currently being caused to our oceans and learnt ways that we could prevent this from becoming worse. The theme of this year was ‘Invest in our Planet’ and we looked at ways that we can shift the responsibility to everybody so we all have our part to play in preserving the environment. ​ Our Year 4 School councillors conducted an interview with Miss Cowings, who was very impressed with how confidently our Nursery pupils spoke about how sharks and dolphins are being killed and hurt in the oceans due to plastic pollution. Miss Cowings also discussed how the use of plastic packaging can be unnecessary when buying fruits and vegetables in supermarkets because it can end up at the bottom of our oceans. This left us thinking about how we can choose food items without plastic packaging. ​ School Council: Image Jess Phillips Visits St. Bernadette's On Monday 3rd of July, Jess Phillips visited our school to discuss her role as an active member of parliament. Jess is a Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley with Small Heath also recently falling into one of the many areas that she supports. Jess helps over 150 000 people within the Yardley area and has made a lasting, positive impact on the lives of so many. As a School Council, we had been preparing for this long awaited visit and couldn’t wait to meet a member of parliament and were honoured that Jess took time out of her busy schedule to meet us. The School Council had the opportunity to ask her questions about her roles and responsibilities. Jess also held an assembly with our Y5 and Y6 pupils, where she discussed the importance of helping and supporting others around us.

  • Pastoral Support | St Bernadette's Cath

    Pastoral Support PASTORAL SUPPORT Pastoral Team: Mr Carroll, Miss Hulse, Mrs Shalvey and Mrs Payne. ​ Please take a look at the following websites where you will be able to access support from various organisations if needed. BARNARDO’S – Support for children, young people and families in need. Contact details: , Helpline telephone: 0121-550-5271. SHELTER - Housing advise and homelessness. Contact details: , Telephone helpline number 0300-330-1234 MIND - Adult support for mental health, benefits and housing. Contact details: Birmingham, Telephone 0121-262-3555 Support for key worker practical advice for staying at home taking care of your mental health support for work, benefits, and housing talking to children about coronavirus how to talk to your anxious child or teen about Coronavirus and much more WOMEN’S AID - Provides front line domestic violence and abuse support to women and children in Birmingham and Solihull area. Contact details: Contact telephone number: 0800 800 0028 (freephone helpline)/ 07891 492327 for anyone who would have accessed the drop-in centres. Any women at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic violence and abuse in Birmingham can call the Housing Options HUB. Telephone number: 0800 169 9604 EDWARDS TRUST - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement across the West Midlands. Contact details: Bereavement telephone: 0121-454-1705 CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Contact Telephone number: 0808 808 1677 Email: BIRMINGHAM CHILDREN'S TRUST - COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Offer family telephone support for those living in Solihull - 5 days a week Contact telephone number: 0121 779 1734 Email: How best to look after your own and/or your child mental and emotional wellbeing on a daily basis How to talk with children about COVID - 19 and their worries relayed to it How to support children to engage with learning at home How best to maintain social connections whilst complying with social distancing How to manage behaviour that can be challenging or difficult to manage FOOD BANK VOUCHERS - These can be obtained from school. Your local Children’s Centre will also be able to offer you advice and may sign post you to other appropriate organisations. We also know that lots of children will be over hearing adult conversations, listening to the news, and have access to social media etc. all of which may leave them feeling confused and frightened. Please have a look at these links with your children to help them understand about coronavirus, social distancing and self-isolation as they may benefit from a simple explanation; Further support can also be accessed through: CHILDLINE- 0800 1111 SHOUT 24/7 - free text service for children- text to 85258 CHILDMIND HTTPS://CHILDMIND.ORG/ARTICLE/HOW-MINDFULNESS-CAN-HELP-DURING-COVID-19/ provides simple mindfulness activities to do with children PAUSE - is a drop in mental health and emotional well-being service for under 25s it is currently offering telephone support from 10 am - 6 pm 7 days a week for children and their parents. contact no: 0207 841 4470 email: OUR ROOTS CIC offers free telephone counselling (CBT or talk therapy) Telephone : 0121 439 9045 For support, advice and information in a crisis please contact one of the following: - YOUR GP or out of hours service - SAMARITANS on 116 123 free 24hr support - POLICE -Call 111 (open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) - SANELINE on 0845 767 8000 (open 4:30 pm – 10:30pm every day) - CALM HELPLINE 0800 58 58 58 open 5pm – Midnight 365 days a year

  • Policies & Admissions | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Policies Attendance 2022-23 Accessibility Plan 2023-26 Anti-Bullying 2022-23 Behaviour Statement 2021-22 Behaviour Policy 2022-23 Breakfast Club British Values & SMSC Calculation Policy Calculation Policy Guidance Charging & Remissions 2022-23 Child Friendly Anti Bullying 2019-2020 Collective Worship Complaints 2023-24 Computing Acceptable Use Policy 23-24 Computing Policy 23-24 Educational Visits 2021-22 Equality & Diversity 2022-23 EYFS Policy 2020-21 Exclusions 2021-22 EYFS Food GDPR Data Protection Policy GDPR Privacy Notice Pupils & Their Families Homework Policy 2023 24 Gender Equality 2019-2022 Health & Safety 2023-24 Inclusion 2023-24 Intimate Care Policy 2020-2021 Maths Policy 22/23 Online Safety Policy 2023-24 RE Policy 2021-22 Pupil Premium Policy 2022-23 Parent Code of Conduct PE Gifted & Talented RSE Policy Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2023-24 SEND 2023-24 Science Policy 23-24 Uncollected Children Uniform Policy Sept 2023-24

  • Governors | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    School Governors Governor Portal Governors: About Us St Bernadette's Governing Body Our Governors are an amazing group of volunteers who serve the parish of Holy Family in Small Heath. They support our school in educating children in a happy, calm and safe environment where they feel surrounded by God’s love. Governors play an important role in the leadership and management of the school. They are involved in the recruitment of staff, formulating the school budget and ensuring the curriculum we offer to the children in school is engaging, challenging and appropriate. The Governors are regular visitors in school, offering support and challenge in equal measures and holding the Head and senior leadership team to account. ​ The Governing Body's aim is to work closely with the Headteacher, the leadership team and the staff, in order to help the children at the school achieve their full potential. They meet as a Full Governing Body four times a year and in addition to this, will meet in smaller sub- committees to focus on finance, staffing, admissions or curriculum. Our Governing Body is made up of 7 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the diocese, two parent governors, appointed by the parents, a Staff Governor and a Local Authority Governor. All serve for a term of four years. ​ ​ If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please forward hard copies of mail to Mr John Lenihan c/o St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, Hob Moor Road, Yardley Birmingham, B258QL. Emails to be sent to and given the title 'For the attention of Mr John Lenihan'. The School Governors ​ Mr John Lenihan Chair of Governors (FG) Curriculum Governor / Finance Governor / Mathematics Governor ​ Mrs Gemma Wrench Vice-Chair Parent Governor / Chair of Finance / Curriculum Governor ​ Mrs Maria Winters Foundation Governor / RE Governor / Chair of curriculum ​ Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor / R.E Governor ​ Mrs Vas Panayiotou Parent Governor / Safeguarding Governor ​ Mrs P Moran Foundation Governor ​ Mr Carlos De la Cruz Foundation Governor / Finance Governor ​ Miss Angela Cowings Headteacher Governor ​ Mr Iqbal Local Authority Governor ​ Mr Carroll Staff Governor / SEN Governor / Finance Governor ​ Mrs Quinlan Foundation Governor ​ Mrs Maria Smallwood Clerk to Governors Admissions Committee Pupil Discipline Committee School Hearings Committee Curriculum & Standards Committee Terms of Reference Resources Committee Governor Information Terms Of Reference Dismissal Appeal Terms of Reference Curriculum & Standards Terms of Reference School Hearings Terms of Reference Admissions Terms of Reference Pupil Discipline Presentations to Governors RE KS2 English.pdf KS1 English.pdf PE.pdf Maths.pdf School Financial Benchmarking Governors: List Any correspondence to the Governors should be addressed c/o St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School. Miss A Cowings Head Teacher I joined St Bernadette’s School in 2002 as Deputy Head and was appointed as Head Teacher in 2006. Since my appointment I have always been a member of the Governing Body and work closely with the dedicated team of volunteers to develop provision within school. As Head teacher it is my duty to deal with the day to day management of the school. As a member of the Governing Body we provide the strategic management. We set the general direction of the school and consider ways that it can best be developed. As a team, we monitor the school’s progress and set annual targets for the school’s performance. The team of governors act as a critical friend to the Head, whilst providing me with the necessary support required to lead the school. John Lenihan Chair of Governors I was appointed as a Governor in March 2019. I am currently a member of the Resources Committee. I previously served as a Governor at Corpus Christi School in Stechford. After spending 50 years in the Printing Industry and having grandchildren in the school I am now looking forward to supporting St. Bernadettes pupils and staff in the challenging world of education. Mr C. Dela Cruz Foundation Governor I have been a school governor for a number of years and have seen a lot of changes throughout the years. I have really enjoyed being on the school governing board, and doing my best to contribute in ensuring the school provides the very best facilities, support for the teaching & non-teachingstaff, and to ensure all pupils to have opportunity and encouragement toreach their full potentials. Kristin Quinlan Foundation Governor I've been a Foundation Governor at St Bernadette's since 2016. My day job is working as Head of Legal and Company Secretary at a water company, so I have experience of working in corporate governance and I hope that I bring some of my skills and experience from that role to my role on the Governing Body. For me, the role of the Governing Body is to support and provide healthy challenge to the leadership team at St Bernadette's for the benefit of the pupils, and I really enjoy playing my part in that. G Wrench Parent Governor I have been a parent governor at St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School since 2018. As part of my role, I am the link Governor for Literacy and also the Chair for the Resources Committee and a member of the Admissions Committee. I believe the children’s education, progress, personal welfare and development should be at the heart of all decision making at school. I am happy to be part of the Governing Body that will support the school in order to get the best outcomes for the children. T Moran Foundation Governor I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in February 2023. I was a teacher at St. Bernadette’s for thirty-three years, and I retired from St. Bernadette’s and teaching almost seven years ago. I hope that I can bring some of my skills and experience from my years of teaching to my role on the Governing Body. I look forward to supporting the pupils and staff of St. Bernadette’s in any way that I can. Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor ​ Vasiliki Panayiotou Parent Governor I would like to introduce myself as the new Parent Governor of St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School. My name is Vasiliki Panayiotou (please refer to me as Vas) and I joined the Board of Governor's on 20th December 2019. I am honoured and privileged to have been given this opportunity to represent the parents of the children that attend the school by Miss A Cowings. I will do my utmost for the best interests of all concerned, in connection with the school. Before I became a full time mother to our 2 girls I worked in telesales for a wholesale food distribution company for around 8 years and prior to that, I co-owned a business in floristry for around 20 years in Solihull. My eldest daughter, who is five, is in Year 1 at St Bernadette's and our youngest is 16 months old, going onto 6! I can't speak highly enough about St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School or all the staff in connection with the school. I remember when we visited the school during an open day and my first thoughts were about the impeccable behaviour of the children. Also, during the classroom visits we observed how the teachers interacted with the children and we saw the passion and commitment they have in everything they do. I turned to my husband and said, this is where I want our daughter to come and he agreed. We feel blessed that our children are and will be attending the best school Alex Carroll Staff Governor I have worked at St Bernadette's since 2001 and have been staff governor since 2020???? It is my privilege to be part of such a vibrant and hard working school community, both as a member of staff and governor. Cllr Zafar Iqbal Foundation Governor I was previously a Governor at St Bernadette’s, I have a long association with the school and was previously a Governor some years ago when my son attended. I am now an LEA appointed governor and as I live close by I have a genuine interest in supporting my local schools. Governors: List Governors: List

  • Education | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School | West Midlands

    St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School 1/10 Parent Pay Newsletter ​ School opening hours Monday to Thursday 8.30am -3.15 pm Friday 8.30am- 2.00pm Total time 32.5 hours Pupil Absence Staff Email We are delighted to announce that St Bernadette’s School has achieved the Live Simply Award , having successfully demonstrated that we are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities. Please visit our 'Live Simply' page to find out more!

  • Prayer Clubs | St Bernadette's Cath

    Prayer Clubs At our school, our faith journey extends beyond the classroom. Our extra-curricular prayer clubs provide a haven for our pupils to explore and embrace their faith, whilst also promoting a sense of unity. Pupils are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and cultivate their religious practices. We understand the importance of nurturing the whole child, and our prayer clubs play a vital role in supporting their emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We invite all pupils from EYFS to Year 6, seeking a space for reflection and connection, to participate in these integral extra-curricular prayer clubs. December - Advent During Advent, we have the opportunity to gather as a KS2 family to share ideas about how we can be ready to meet Jesus. This year the children collectively created an Advent Reflection. They reflected on simple steps that they could take in their daily lives and explored how they could carry out our mission. Lent During Lent, we gather together to explore CAFOD’s Lenten calendar to help us journey through Lent. This year our Year 4 pupils reflected on Pope Francis’ Lenten message and began each session by exploring how Jesus speaks to us through the word of God. They explored daily readings and used CAFOD’s online Lent calendar to journey through Lent with their global family. The children created purple prayer cubes and encouraged each other to preform acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lenten Prayer Club Through the inspiring resources from Mission Together, we gathered together in prayer, exploring themes of repentance, sacrifice, and renewal. Our interactive sessions incorporated Lent-themed craft activities, providing hands-on experiences that reinforced the messaged shared in the weekly Gospel reading. May - The Month of Mary Our prayer club in May is dedicated to “Mary”. This year, the children were provided with the opportunity to learn about, explore and pray the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Each week the children explored and reflected on one of the four mysteries. June - The Sacred Heart During the month of June, children from Reception and KS1 have the opportunity to take part in a Sacred Heart Prayer Club. This year the children gathered together to learn about the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The children were encouraged to be prayerful and attentive during this special time. All children took an active role in the club; setting up the prayer table, writing and reading prayers, singing Hymns and listening to the word God. The children had the opportunity to create Sacred Hearts using a range of different materials, building upon skills they have learnt during their art lessons. They also reflected on the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and shared prayers of love and thanks.

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