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  • History | St Bernadette's Cath

    History History Policy History Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer

  • Safeguarding | St Bernadette's Cath

    Safeguarding Safeguarding Policy Designated Safeguarding Leads Miss A Cowings Head Teacher Mr A Carroll Deputy Head Teacher Miss E Finnegan Assistant Head Teacher Miss A Hulse SENCO If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person please contact school. Miss Cowings is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Carroll, Miss Finnegan & Miss Hulse are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. You can make a referral directly to Children's services by calling the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email;

  • Topic Week Videos | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Topic Topic Week Videos: Text St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School is a beacon of hope and a place that offers children an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences. Through our diverse and inspiring ‘topic’ curriculum our children learn to love and love to learn. At St. Bernadette’s School, we take a ‘topic’ approach when teaching. ​ History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology. Each term, every year band studies a common theme through these four foundation subjects. This enables the children to develop their key skills as well as gain a deeper understanding of the world. It is our hope that our curriculum develops children’s curiosity and fascination about the world, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Topic Policy 22/23 ​ Art Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. Our art and design education engages, inspires and challenges our pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Design and Technology Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, our pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. History Our history provision helps our pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It inspires our pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and helps them to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Geography Our geography lessons equip our pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with developing a deeper understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. St Bernadette’s Topic Overview 2022-23 What do our children say about topic at St Bernadette’s School? “We got to make lots and lots of stuff. We even got to do some painting!” Parent: “Seeing our children on the trip was amazing. Their knowledge showed what good teachers they have.” “The trip was very good. We learnt lots.” “We loved working together.” ​ “Today is going to be the best day. It’s topic.” “This week felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity. We did so much that we don’t normally get a chance to do and we loved it.” Topic Topic Week Videos: Pro Gallery ​ . Continents song- Ocean song- ​

  • School Development Plan | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    School Development Plan School Development Plan: Student Life School Development Plan 2022-23 SIP Improving Behavior Action Plan SIP SEND Implementation Action Plan School Development Plan 2021-2022 SIP Reading Action Plan Cognitive Load Theory School Development Plan 2020-2021 SIP Action Plan - Writing School Development Plan 2019-2020 SIP Action Plan SIP Action Plan - Writing SIP Action Plan - Reading School Development Plan 2018-2019 School Development Plan 2017-2018 SIP Action Plan - Writing Pupil Premium SIP Action Plan - Reading SIP Action Plan - RE Pupil Premium SIP Action Plan - PSHE SIP Action Plan - Mathematics SIP Action Plan - RE SIP Action Plan - English School Development Plan 2016-2017 Reciprocal Reading Developing Writing & Gender Results Reading Early Years

  • Online Safety | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Online Safety Computing Acceptable Use Policy Online Safety Policy 2022-23 About: About Us Online Safety Guides Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link Go to link

  • Prospectus | St Bernadette's Cath

    Prospectus Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make in their early years. As a parent you want your child to feel safe, secure and happy at school. At St Bernadette’s School all children are encouraged, supported and challenged to become the best that they can be. St Bernadette’s is a Catholic school and our motto “Learn to Love, love to learn” is at the heart of everything we do. St Bernadette’s is much more than an educational establishment it is a place where the children are offered stability and enrichment to learn effectively and develop into well rounded, responsible and respectful young people. On a recent Ofsted inspection the school was classed as outstanding for personal development and welfare, this is something we as a school are very proud of, the Ofsted inspection is available on the school website and I would encourage you to read it. A Cowings Headteacher Ethos St. Bernadette’s is much more than just an educational establishment; it is a beacon of hope and a place which has to offer: Children: The stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the life ahead of them. Staff: A sense of fulfilment and achievement. Parents: A school which assists them in the religious formation of their children and offers them support and advice to develop their children socially, morally and academically. Implications Therefore we need to provide: Children: A broad and exciting curriculum which engages all. A safe and secure stimulating environment in which children are nurtured and supported. A set of moral values, which inform the choices they make. Staff: Quality professional development based on assessment of needs. Opportunities to network with other educational establishments. Parents: Up to date information on curriculum and pastoral matters. Opportunities to develop parenting skills Prospectus

  • Governors | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    School Governors Governor Portal Governors: About Us St Bernadette's Governing Body Our Governors are an amazing group of volunteers who serve the parish of Holy Family in Small Heath. They support our school in educating children in a happy, calm and safe environment where they feel surrounded by God’s love. Governors play an important role in the leadership and management of the school. They are involved in the recruitment of staff, formulating the school budget and ensuring the curriculum we offer to the children in school is engaging, challenging and appropriate. The Governors are regular visitors in school, offering support and challenge in equal measures and holding the Head and senior leadership team to account. ​ The Governing Body's aim is to work closely with the Headteacher, the leadership team and the staff, in order to help the children at the school achieve their full potential. They meet as a Full Governing Body four times a year and in addition to this, will meet in smaller sub- committees to focus on finance, staffing, admissions or curriculum. Our Governing Body is made up of 7 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the diocese, two parent governors, appointed by the parents, a Staff Governor and a Local Authority Governor. All serve for a term of four years. ​ ​ If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please forward hard copies of mail to Mr John Lenihan c/o St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, Hob Moor Road, Yardley Birmingham, B258QL. Emails to be sent to and given the title 'For the attention of Mr John Lenihan'. The School Governors ​ Mr John Lenihan Chair of Governors (FG) Curriculum Governor / Finance Governor / Mathematics Governor ​ Mrs Gemma Wrench Vice-Chair Parent Governor / Chair of Finance / Curriculum Governor ​ Mrs Maria Winters Foundation Governor / RE Governor / Chair of curriculum ​ Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor / R.E Governor ​ Mrs Vas Panayiotou Parent Governor / Safeguarding Governor ​ Mrs P Moran Foundation Governor ​ Mr Carlos De la Cruz Foundation Governor / Finance Governor ​ Miss Angela Cowings Headteacher Governor ​ Mr Iqbal Local Authority Governor ​ Mr Carroll Staff Governor / SEN Governor / Finance Governor ​ Mrs Quinlan Foundation Governor ​ Mrs Maria Smallwood Clerk to Governors Admissions Committee Pupil Discipline Committee School Hearings Committee Curriculum & Standards Committee Terms of Reference Resources Committee Governor Information Terms Of Reference Dismissal Appeal Terms of Reference Curriculum & Standards Terms of Reference School Hearings Terms of Reference Admissions Terms of Reference Pupil Discipline Presentations to Governors RE KS2 English.pdf KS1 English.pdf PE.pdf Maths.pdf School Financial Benchmarking Governors: List Any correspondence to the Governors should be addressed c/o St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School. Miss A Cowings Head Teacher I joined St Bernadette’s School in 2002 as Deputy Head and was appointed as Head Teacher in 2006. Since my appointment I have always been a member of the Governing Body and work closely with the dedicated team of volunteers to develop provision within school. As Head teacher it is my duty to deal with the day to day management of the school. As a member of the Governing Body we provide the strategic management. We set the general direction of the school and consider ways that it can best be developed. As a team, we monitor the school’s progress and set annual targets for the school’s performance. The team of governors act as a critical friend to the Head, whilst providing me with the necessary support required to lead the school. John Lenihan Chair of Governors I was appointed as a Governor in March 2019. I am currently a member of the Resources Committee. I previously served as a Governor at Corpus Christi School in Stechford. After spending 50 years in the Printing Industry and having grandchildren in the school I am now looking forward to supporting St. Bernadettes pupils and staff in the challenging world of education. Mr C. Dela Cruz Foundation Governor I have been a school governor for a number of years and have seen a lot of changes throughout the years. I have really enjoyed being on the school governing board, and doing my best to contribute in ensuring the school provides the very best facilities, support for the teaching & non-teachingstaff, and to ensure all pupils to have opportunity and encouragement toreach their full potentials. Kristin Quinlan Foundation Governor I've been a Foundation Governor at St Bernadette's since 2016. My day job is working as Head of Legal and Company Secretary at a water company, so I have experience of working in corporate governance and I hope that I bring some of my skills and experience from that role to my role on the Governing Body. For me, the role of the Governing Body is to support and provide healthy challenge to the leadership team at St Bernadette's for the benefit of the pupils, and I really enjoy playing my part in that. G Wrench Parent Governor I have been a parent governor at St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School since 2018. As part of my role, I am the link Governor for Literacy and also the Chair for the Resources Committee and a member of the Admissions Committee. I believe the children’s education, progress, personal welfare and development should be at the heart of all decision making at school. I am happy to be part of the Governing Body that will support the school in order to get the best outcomes for the children. T Moran Foundation Governor I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in February 2023. I was a teacher at St. Bernadette’s for thirty-three years, and I retired from St. Bernadette’s and teaching almost seven years ago. I hope that I can bring some of my skills and experience from my years of teaching to my role on the Governing Body. I look forward to supporting the pupils and staff of St. Bernadette’s in any way that I can. Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor ​ Vasiliki Panayiotou Parent Governor I would like to introduce myself as the new Parent Governor of St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School. My name is Vasiliki Panayiotou (please refer to me as Vas) and I joined the Board of Governor's on 20th December 2019. I am honoured and privileged to have been given this opportunity to represent the parents of the children that attend the school by Miss A Cowings. I will do my utmost for the best interests of all concerned, in connection with the school. Before I became a full time mother to our 2 girls I worked in telesales for a wholesale food distribution company for around 8 years and prior to that, I co-owned a business in floristry for around 20 years in Solihull. My eldest daughter, who is five, is in Year 1 at St Bernadette's and our youngest is 16 months old, going onto 6! I can't speak highly enough about St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School or all the staff in connection with the school. I remember when we visited the school during an open day and my first thoughts were about the impeccable behaviour of the children. Also, during the classroom visits we observed how the teachers interacted with the children and we saw the passion and commitment they have in everything they do. I turned to my husband and said, this is where I want our daughter to come and he agreed. We feel blessed that our children are and will be attending the best school Alex Carroll Staff Governor I have worked at St Bernadette's since 2001 and have been staff governor since 2020???? It is my privilege to be part of such a vibrant and hard working school community, both as a member of staff and governor. Cllr Zafar Iqbal Foundation Governor I was previously a Governor at St Bernadette’s, I have a long association with the school and was previously a Governor some years ago when my son attended. I am now an LEA appointed governor and as I live close by I have a genuine interest in supporting my local schools. Governors: List Governors: List

  • The Arts | St Bernadette's Cath

    The Arts At St Bernadette’s we are encouraged to use our talents and gifts in everything that we do. This same principle is applied to the arts. We understand that children have natural and taught talents and it is important for us to develop, encourage and empower these individual talents. We showcase our achievements through displays, assemblies and show and tell sessions. This year, we will be curating year band exhibitions linked to the topic being studied within that year group. We will then create an exhibition of the children’s work to celebrate it. Year 2 Space Project To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 3 WW2 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 4 Romans To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 5 Greeks To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 6 Mayans To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • Knowledge & Skills | St Bernadette's Cath

    Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Topic Y1 Autumn Science Science Y1 Y1 Spring Y1 Summer Gymnastics Gymnastics Y1 Computing Computing Y1 Year 2 Y2 Autumn Topic Y2 Spring Y2 Summer Computing Computing Y2 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y2 Science Science Y2 Year 3 Topic Y3 Autumn Y3 Spring Y3 Summer MFL French MFL French Y3 Computing Computing Y3 Science Science Y3 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y3 Year 4 Topic Y4 Autumn Y4 Spring Y4 Summer MFL French MFL French Y4 Computing Computing Y4 Science Science Y4 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y4 Year 5 Topic Y5 Autumn Y5 Spring Y5 Summer MFL French MFL French Y5 Science Science Y5 Computing Computing Y5 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y5 Year 6 Topic Y6 Autumn Y6 Spring MFL French MFL French Y6 Science Science Y6 Computing Computing Y6 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y6

  • New Page | St Bernadette's Cath

    Ethos St. Bernadette’s is much more than just an educational establishment; it is a beacon of hope and a place which has to offer: Children: The stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the life ahead of them. Staff: A sense of fulfilment and achievement. Parents: A school which assists them in the religious formation of their children and offers them support and advice to develop their children socially, morally and academically. Implications Therefore we need to provide: Children: A broad and exciting curriculum which engages all. A safe and secure stimulating environment in which children are nurtured and supported. A set of moral values, which inform the choices they make. Staff: Quality professional development based on assessment of needs. Opportunities to network with other educational establishments. Parents: Up to date information on curriculum and pastoral matters. Opportunities to develop parenting skills Prospectus The Pupil Premium The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. See the pdf document below for detailed information on our Pupil Premium impact for 2018/19 and the action plan for 2019/20 PP Strategies Impact 2020 PP Strategies Plan 2020-21 Pupil Premium Policy The McNally Award DSC_9907 2019 2019 2017 2017 2016 2016 Show More The McNally Award Every year in the summer term, one child from each year band, Nursery to year 6, is nominated to receive the McNally award. Staff within the year band, choose a child who has displayed an exceptional attitude towards school life throughout the academic year. Typically, these children will display impeccable manners on a daily basis. They will give their very best in every lesson and will be supportive of their peers and their teachers. The award was introduced in 2015, following the death of Mr John McNally who had been the charismatic Head Teacher of St Bernadette’s School until 2005. Mr McNally saw the school grow from 180 pupils to 700 pupils over a period of years. He was well respected in the local community due to his strong leadership and continuous drive to achieve high standards of discipline and academic success.

  • Phonics | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Phonics The school follows the Read Write Inc Phonics, which teaches children to ‘learn to read’ so they can then ‘read to learn’. In the summer term, children in our Nursery are introduced to letter sounds and throughout the Reception year and KS1, they are exposed to new sounds until they are confident identifying all 44 phonemes. Parents can support their children throughout the scheme by reading with their children every night and revising their speed sounds on a regular basis (link to speed sounds and pronunciation ). As children become more confident in recognizing the sounds they will begin to blend the sounds to form real words and nonsense words. The link attached illustrates a range of real and nonsense words for each of the set 2 and set 3 sounds. These are useful charts which will encourage children to use their phonic knowledge to decode a variety of words. Set 2 Sounds Quick Read 'oy' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'ou' Quick Read 'or' Quick Read 'igh' Quick Read 'ee' Quick Read 'ir' Quick Read 'oo' as in zoo Quick Read 'oo' as in look Quick Read 'ay' Quick Read 'air' Quick Read 'ar' Set 3 Sounds Quick Read 'ur' Quick Read 'u-e' Quick Read 'tious' Quick Read 'tion' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'oi' Quick Read 'o-e' Quick Read 'cious' Quick Read 'ea' Quick Read 'ear' Quick Read 'er' Quick Read 'ew' Quick Read 'i-e' Quick Read 'ire' Quick Read 'oa' Quick Read 'aw' Quick Read 'ai' Quick Read 'ure' Quick Read 'are' Quick Read 'a-e' Children are encouraged to progress through the scheme at a rapid rate. They will not necessarily need to cover every book in the scheme, and may be capable of accelerating through the scheme if they demonstrate a sound knowledge of words. In every year band, children are set according to ability and assessments are conducted every 6-8 weeks. As a result of these assessments, children may move up or down into a new setting group. An example of the assessment is here . The national phonic test is administered to pupils in Year 1 in June. On average, pupils need to be able to read 32 of the 40 words in order to pass the test. If they are able to read all set 1,2,3 sounds, they are likely to pass the test. If they score below 32, they will need to repeat the test in Year 2.

  • Catholic Life | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Catholic Life RE Curriculum Collective Worship Parish The Sacramental Life of the School Catholic Life St. Bernadette Our Patron Saint was born January 7, 1844 and baptized Marie Bernarde Soubirous. The oldest of six children, born to devout but poor parents, she was known by the pet name Bernadette. Bernadette was a sensitive, sickly child, plagued by chronic asthma. She was a notably good girl with a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin. On February 11, 1858, Bernadette, her sister and her sister’s friend went to gather wood on the bank of the Gave river in the French Pyrennes. To reach the gathering site, the three girls had to cross a small millstream. While the two younger girls went on ahead, Bernadette stopped to remove her shoes and stockings. Just then she heard a rustling sound which caused her to look up toward a small cave. There, in the opening of this little grotto, she saw “a girl in white, no taller than I, who greeted me with a light bow of the head.” The vision was very beautiful, clad in white with a blue girdle, whilst a long rosary hung over the arm. She seemed to invite the child to pray, and when Bernadette took her rosary from her pocket and began to say it, the vision also took her rosary into her hand and passed the beads through her fingers, although the lips did not move. When the five decades were finished, the vision smiled and disappeared. This was the first of 18 visions of the Blessed Virgin given to this humble peasant girl. The last one took place July 16th of the same year. The story of Lourdes is well known. Millions of people have visited this remote spot where Our Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette almost one hundred and fifty years ago. Bernadette remained a shy, sensitive child of God, shunning the attention of the world that the apparitions afforded. She delivered the message of Our Blessed Mother only to the proper authorities of the Church and left the outcome to God. Finally, in 1866, at the age of 22, she filled one of her heart’s desires when she was accepted into the convent of the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Nevers. Her work at Lourdes was done. The shrine to the Mother of God that Mary had requested was being visited by ever increasing numbers. Mary’s message of prayer and penance had been delivered to the world. God had blessed the work with miracles. Gladly, Bernadette faded from the picture. She likened herself to Our Lady’s Broom: “Our Lady used me, they have put me back in my corner,” was her way of expressing it. But her work for souls was not done. Our Blessed Mother had asked for penance at Lourdes. While many were cured of their afflictions in the waters at Lourdes, the heavy cross of illness still lay on Bernadette’s shoulders and she suffered this penance throughout her life. ​ On April 16th 1879, in her 36th year, she died peacefully in the arms of her sisters in religion at the convent of Nevers. Her life of suffering was over. In 1933, just 54 years after her death, Pope Pius XI added the name of this humble peasant girl to the canon of the Saints. For all time in the official records of the Church, she will be known as Saint Marie Bernarda, but in the hearts and on the lips of faithful she will always be St. Bernadette, little Bernard. May Bernadette, our glorious patroness, remember us, and with her prayers intercede for us at the throne of God, and may she direct toward us the mercy and kindness of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. ​


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Learn to love, love to learn

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